Factors affecting organizational commitment of students in Foreign Trade University’s clubs

Hoang Thi Thuy Duong1,, Doan Thi Thanh Thuy1
1 Foreign Trade University

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There are limited data on organizational commitment in education sector with student organizations as the target. The research adopts an empirical design by building a model of factors affecting organizational commitment of students in Foreign Trade University’s clubs based on existing models in the literature and testing the model with data from a survey with 237 club members in nearly 40 clubs in Foreign Trade University Hanoi. The collected data is analysed by SPSS and AMOS using structural equation modelling (SEM). Four factors are identified to positively influence organizational commitment of club members include social influence, supervisor support, teamwork and training. Practically, these findings are expected to provide beneficial suggestions for the management in Foreign Trade University’s clubs in particular and other Vietnamese universities clubs in general to improve organizational commitment among members by focusing on these factors.

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