Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
The manuscript for the Journal or the abstract for the Conference has not previously been submitted to, published by, in press, or under consideration for publication by any other journals or by any other publishers.
The submission file is in Microsoft Word.
Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
Confirm that you have prepared a complete text within the anonymous article file. Any identifying information has been included separately in a title page, acknowledgements or supplementary file not for review, to allow anonymous review.
I/We have declared any potential conflict of interest in the research. Any support from a third party has been noted in the Acknowledgements.
Confirm that the manuscript for the Journal or the abstract for the Conference has been created by the author(s) and not an AI tool/Large Language Model (LLM). If an AI tool/LLM has been used to develop or generate any portion of the manuscript then this must be clearly flagged in the Methods and Acknowledgements.
Author Guidelines
General guidelines
Journal of International Economics and Management (JIEM) publishes 3 times a year in March, July, and November. JIEM does not charge any fee for submitting, reviewing, publishing manuscripts, or any other services.
Authors can download the template here: Template
Agreement for JIEM submission: Link
A. Authors’ checklist
- One title page: the title page must provide full names, phone numbers, email addresses, and addresses of all the authors, abstract, keyword(s), and credits (if any). The corresponding author of the submission must be mentioned.
- Manuscript with a title, abstract, and keyword(s); tables and figures, references that are formatted correctly and editable, all references must be cited in the text and vice versa.
- All necessary files are attached: thoroughly examined manuscript; tables and figures in the correct format (including names, descriptions, and annotations).
- For documents that are held by a third party, authors must submit a document verifying the agreement to use of the persons or the organization that owns the copyright. The document must be provided in a separate file sent along with the manuscript.
- Statement of the originality of the submission.
- The authors must commit not to submit to multiple journals and ensure that the submission has not been primarily published in any journals, academic conference papers, or any other publications in the form of an abstract or fully presented (in printed or electronic form).
- The authors must commit not to send the submission to other journals or publishers until the final decision is given.
B. Originality and the right to use data
- The manuscript submitted to the Journal of International Economics and Management must not have been published or submitted elsewhere.
- Authors must not submit the manuscript to other journals while it is under consideration at the Journal of International Economics and Management.
- Authors must be responsible for the content of the submission, the accuracy of citations, and the legitimacy of copyrights.
- Authors must be responsible for the use of personal data and corporate data.
- For research that is not yet published but cited in the document, authors must submit a document verifying the usage agreement of the person or the organization that owns the copyright.
- Data used in the manuscript must come with a source.
- The Journal of International Economics and Management reserves the right to reject a paper even after it has been accepted if it becomes apparent that there are serious problems with its scientific content or our publishing policies have been violated.
C. Manuscript requirements
1. Language
Submissions must be written in English and be orthographically precise and comprehensive.
2. Format
All files must be submitted as Microsoft Word files. Submissions must be in Unicode font and Latin letters. In the case of citing documents that use letters other than that, authors must transcribe phonetically into Roman letters.
Documents must use one column layout. Do not use the hyphenation function in Word. However, authors can still use bold, italic, superscript, subscript, etc. Do not insert equations or tables in the form of images. All equations, graphs, and tables must be written in forms that are editable by Microsoft Word.
- Font: Times New Roman, 12 points.
- Line spacing: 1.15 cm
- Layout: A4
3. Length
Submission must not be longer than 10.000 words, including text, references, and appendices.
4. Title page
The Title page must be written in a separate file and sent along with the manuscript. The Title page includes the title, detailed information about authors and co-authors (full names, affiliations), abstract, and keywords.
5. Manuscript
The manuscript must be submitted in a separate file. The manuscript should include the title, abstract, keywords, content, reference list, and appendices. The manuscript must not include any information that can be used to determine the authors.
6. Detailed information about the authors
Authors’ names, emails, and working/studying places (including city, and country) must be provided in the Title page file.
7. Credits
Credits for all funding sources must be written on the Title page and sent along with the document. If there are multiple sponsors, authors must indicate who sponsored how much and at which part of the research.
D. Manuscript contents
Research papers published on the JIEM include the following sections (respectively, however, it can be altered to fit each research paper):
- Title
- Abstract
- Keywords
- Introduction
- Literature review and/or Theoretical or Conceptual framework (if relevant)
- Research methodology
- Results and discussions
- Conclusion
- References
- Appendices
The title must be comprehensive and no longer than 20 words.
The abstract should be 150-250 words long.
The abstract must show the main contents of the research and include the following points: research purposes, research methods, data (if any), main results, and theoretical and/or practical implications of the research.
Usage of incorrect or unpopular abbreviations should be avoided. In some cases, if abbreviations are necessary, they must be defined the first time they are mentioned in the abstract. Avoid using personal pronouns and citations in the abstract.
Authors provide 5 keywords at maximum.
The introduction must include these contents:
- The importance and the rationale of the study.
- Identification of the researched matter and the aim of the research.
- The issue that the research will discuss.
- The novelty of the study.
- The scientific and/or practical of the study.
Literature review and/or Theoretical or Conceptual framework (if relevant)
This part includes:
- Literature reviews of related studies and unresolved problems of those studies.
- Related theoretical bases, theoretical frameworks, or conceptual frameworks used in the research.
- Research gaps.
Research methodology
Authors can submit theoretical or empirical research or a literature review paper; authors can adopt qualitative or quantitative analyses or a mix of them.
The research methodology must show the quantitative model, qualitative hypothesis, and/or qualitative research design. Both the data collection process and data description must be specified.
Results and discussions
This part should:
- Present and analyze the results of the research thoroughly.
- Discuss and find out how the results are related to previous studies’ findings
Depending on the purpose of the study, provide conclusions and recommendations for business managers and/or policymakers based on the results of the research.
Limitations and potential research ideas (if any) should be included in this part.
Authors list documents that are cited in the article text only. Regulations about how citations and references are presented are provided in the Guidelines for citations and references
Appendices are presented in the order that they are mentioned in the study. The format of the appendices follows the structure of the whole document.
E. Guidelines for citations and references (updated 19th July 2024)
JIEM adopts the Harvard referencing style, an author-date referencing method. When submitting articles for publication, please strictly follow the JIEM’s Harvard referencing guidelines. Please ensure all in-text citations and references are checked for completeness, accuracy, and consistency.
1. Citations
Authors cite sources that are used as references only.
1.1. For documents that have one author, only cite the surname of the author and publication year (Author name, publication year).
For example: Nguyen (2021) or (Smith, 2021).
1.2. For documents that have two authors, cite both of their surnames (First author’s name and Second author’s name, publication year).
Example: Tran and Nguyen (2021) or (Smith and Brandel, 2021).
1.3. For documents that have three or more authors, cite the surname of the first author then followed by “et al.” (First author’s name et al., Publication year). Please note that “et al.” should be written in italics.
For example: Nguyen et al. (2021) or (Hair et al., 2014).
All references must be cited in the text and vice versa.
2. References (updated on 19th July 2024)
2.1. Book (updated on 19th July 2024)
Surname, Initials (year), Book Title, Edition (if any), Publisher, Place of publication.
For example:
Wooldridge, J.M. (2010), Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data, 10th Edition, MIT Press, Cambridge.
Tabachnick, B.G. and Fidell, L.S. (2019), Using Multivariate Statistics, 7th Edition, Pearson, London.
2.2. Book chapter (updated on 19th July 2024)
Surname, Initials (year), “Chapter title”, in Editor’s Surname, Initial (Ed./Eds.), Initials, Book Name, Publisher, Place of publication, page range.
For example:
Locke, E.A. (1976), “The nature and causes of job satisfaction”, in Dunnette M.D. (Ed.), Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Rand McNally, Chicago, pp. 1297-1343.
Reeve, J. (2012), “A self-determination theory perspective on student engagement”, in Christenson, S.L., Reschly, A.L. and Wylie, C. (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Student Engagement, Springer, Germany, pp. 149-172.
2.3. Journal paper (updated on 19th July 2024)
Journal paper with a paper range
Surname, Initials (year), “Title of article”, Journal Name, Vol. No., page range.
For example:
Verma, R. and Brennan, L. (2011), “The investment development path theory: evidence from India”, International Journal of Emerging Markets, Vol. 6 No. 1, pp. 74-89.
Journal paper without pagination
Surname, Initials (year), “Title of article”, Journal Name, Vol. No., Paper number.
For example:
Kovermann, J. and Velte, P. (2019), “The impact of corporate governance on corporate tax avoidance - A literature review”, Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation, Vol. 36, 100270.
Pre-print journal paper
Surname, Initials (year), “Title of article”, Journal Name, Ahead-of-Print/Article in Press.
For example:
Gold, K. and Rasiah, R. (2021), “China’s bilateral trade in Africa: is institutional structure a determinant?”, Chinese Management Studies, Ahead-of-Print.
2.4. Published conference paper
Surname, Initials (year), “Title of paper”, in Name of the Conference, Publisher, Place of publication.
For example:
Bandara, W., Indulska, M., Chong, S. and Sadiq, S. (2007), “Major issues in business process management: an expert perspective”, in Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Information Systems, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland.
2.5. Unpublished conference paper
Surname, Initials (year), “Title of Paper”, Paper presented at Name of the conference, Location of the conference.
For example:
Le, T.T. (2019), “Price and affordability of alcohol in Vietnam in the period 1998-2016”, Paper presented at The 12th Vietnam Economic Annual Meeting, Dalat University, Da Lat.
2.6. Research paper and working paper
Surname, Initials (year), “Title of paper”, Type of work and No., Institution or Organization, Location.
For example:
Kaufmann, D., Kraay, A. and Mastruzzi, M. (2003), “Governance matters III: governance indicators for 1996-2002”, World Bank Policy Research Working Paper No. 3106, World Bank, Washington D.C.
2.7. Newspaper article
Surname, Initials (year), “Title of article”, Newspaper, page ranges or Available at URL (if accessible on the Internet) (Access date month, year).
Chu, K. (2019), “Vietnam exports lychees and longans ranked the second in the world”, VnEconomy, Available at (Accessed 06 April, 2020).
2.8. Electronic source (updated on 19th July 2024)
Organization (year), “Title of article”, Available at URL (if accessible on the Internet) (Access date month, year).
Surname, Initials (year), “Title of article”, Website Name, Available at URL (if accessible on the Internet) (Access date month, year).
Surname, Initials (year), “Title of article”, Available at URL (if accessible on the Internet) (Access date month, year).
For example:
World Trade Organization (2009), “WTO course on trade negotiations concludes”, Available at (Accessed 18 September, 2017).
WTO (2009), “WTO course on trade negotiations concludes”, Available at (Accessed 18 September, 2017).
Phillips, S. (2018), “The fine wine market – past, present, and future”, Liv-ex, Available at (Accessed 12 March, 2019).
F. Guidelines for headings, tables, diagrams, images, annotations
1. Headings
Headings must be comprehensive, there must be clear distinctions between main headings and subheadings. Main headings must be bold. Level 2 headings must be in italics and bold. Level 3 headings must be italicized.
2. Tables
Tables in the document are uniformly labeled as Table. Tables must be consecutively numbered by Arabic numbers. Tables must be in table format in Microsoft Word.
The name of the table is labeled above the table, aligned left.
For example:
Table 1. Descriptive statistics
If notes are added by using an asterisk or other signs, explanations must be provided at the end of the table, aligned left.
For example:
Notes: t-statistics are in parentheses. *, **, *** indicate statistical significance at 10%, 5%, and 1%, respectively.
The source for a table is put under the table, aligned left.
For example:
Source: Authors’ compilation
Authors must use tabs, not spaces, to arrange columns. The number values in the tables are aligned correctly.
3. Figures
Charts, diagrams, and graphs in the document are uniformly labeled as Figure.
Figures must be in high resolution and numbered separately and consecutively by Arabic numbers, the number must be put behind the word “Figure” (for example Figure 1, Figure 2). Each figure must have a name that identifies the content of the figure. Figures should be included in the text.
The number and name of figures are put below the figure horizontally, in bold, and aligned left.
For example:
Figure 1. Research model
The source of the table is put under the name of the figure, aligned left.
The original Excel file is required if diagrams/graphs are created using Microsoft Excel.
Figures created by using Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Excel, and Adobe Illustrator must be provided in their original format. Data collected from other applications should be copied to a new Microsoft Word file or saved and typed into a Microsoft Word document or saved as a PDF file.
Figures that cannot be provided in the aforementioned format can be submitted in standard image formats: .pdf, .ai. If images cannot be provided in those formats, make sure that they are .jpeg files with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi and minimum width of 10cm.
4. Equation
Equations included in the document must be written by using the Equation function in Microsoft Word, italicized, and centered.
5. Footnotes
Footnotes should be numbered throughout the document using superscripted Arabic numbers.
G. Guidelines for abbreviations, capitals, data
1. Abbreviations
Words, terms, and names of places are allowed to be written as abbreviations. However, these abbreviations must be fully written when first mentioned in the manuscript. For example, the European Council (EC), and foreign direct investment (FDI).
Abbreviations for commonly used measuring units are allowed to be used without explanation. For example, km, cm, m.
2. Capitals
Words are capitalized when they are proper nouns (names) and not capitalized when they are common nouns. Typical examples:
- Name of institutions: International Monetary Fund, European Council.
- Name of people: Robert Solow, David Ricardo.
3. Numbers format
Numbers are formatted in Vietnamese standard:
- Use comma (,) to indicate thousands, millions, etc.
- Use period (.) to indicate decimal numbers.
4. Measurement units
The journal uses the metric system. Authors must convert units from other systems into the metric system.
For example: The road is 10 miles long (approximately 16.1 kilometers).