The impact of customer satisfaction on brand loyalty for mobile telecommunications services in Ho Chi Minh city

Nguyen Thi Quynh Nga1,, Le Dang Minh Thu1
1 Foreign Trade University

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This study was aimed at investigating five factors of customer satisfaction and assessing the impact degree of each factor on brand loyalty for mobile telecommunications services in Ho Chi Minh City. Data were collected from 205 customers who have been using mobile telecommunications services in Ho Chi Minh City. The author uses a quantitative method to analyze Cronbach’s Alpha reliability, Exploratory Factor Analysis EFA and multiple linear regression analysis. The results indicated that satisfaction with services is the strongest factor affecting brand loyalty, followed by satisfaction with employees, satisfaction with distribution channels, satisfaction with enterprise, satisfaction with brand image and environment. The results are consistent with the hypothesis because services quality plays an important role in this industry’s existence. Research findings are about to build scientific basis for Ho Chi Minh City’s mobile telecom enterprises in developing customer loyalty that is a matter of urgency in all aspects of theory and practice.

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