Empirical relationship among dimensions of customer-based brand equity in e-tailing service: a study in Vietnam context
Main Article Content
The study assesses the influence of brand awareness, perceived quality, and brand association on e-brand loyalty of consumers in online retailing service (e-tailing service) in Vietnam context. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was conducted to identify dimensions of customerbased brand equity and its construct. Three hypotheses were posited to empirically test with sampled data of 125 consumers. The result of regression analysis shows that all of variables, which are brand awareness, perceived brand quality, and brand association, positively impact on e-brand loyalty. Brand association has the most influential impact on the customers when appraising the online shopping. This study contributes to enrich the brand management literature. The study’s findings are suggestive to managers of e-tailing services.
Article Details
Customer-based brand equity, E-tailing service
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