Examining farmers’ intention to use drone applications in agricultural production
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Digitalization in agriculture involves the integration of technological innovations across the entire supply chain, from production through distribution to consumption. This paper examines drone applications and farmers’ intentions to use them in an emerging economy. This study uses correlation analysis and structural equation modeling to analyze the data collected from 414 Vietnamese farmers. The empirical results indicate that drone compatibility and speed positively impact farmers’ desires and anticipated emotions, whereas risks negatively influence both desires and emotions. These findings also show that farmers’ desires and emotions towards drones have pushed their intentions to use them. Notably, the environmental friendliness of drones plays a moderating role in strengthening the relationship between farmers’ desires, emotions, and intentions. Surprisingly, drone complexity does not have a significant impact on leading farmers’ desires and emotions. These findings contribute to a deeper understanding of the factors influencing the adoption of digital technologies in agriculture and provide valuable insights for policymakers and stakeholders seeking to promote the integration of drones into agricultural practices.
Article Details

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Digitalization, Environmental protection, Innovation, Agricultural production, Drone application

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