The impact of learning organization on job satisfaction in Vietnamese enterprises
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The relationship between learning organizations and job satisfaction is a compelling area of research due to its potential impact on organizational performance. This study aims to investigate how the seven dimensions of a learning organization affect job satisfaction among employees. The research utilized a sample of 729 responses from employees of Vietnamese enterprises. Using partial least squares structural equation modeling, this study finds that three of the seven learning organization factors (i.e., establishing systems to capture and share learning, empowering people toward a collective vision, and providing strategic leadership for learning) significantly and positively impact job satisfaction. In contrast, the other four factors (i.e., creating continuous learning opportunities, promoting dialogue and inquiry, encouraging collaboration and team learning, and connecting the organization to its environment) do not show a significant impact. Based on these findings, several practical implications are suggested, including embedding learning organizations to enhance employee learning and job satisfaction, addressing the workforce’s low productivity, and supporting the government’s advocacy for lifelong learning in Vietnamese organizations. Several important limitations are acknowledged, including potential methodological constraints or contextual factors. By addressing these limitations, the paper clarifies the impact of learning organizations on job satisfaction and provides recommendations for future research, thereby significantly contributing to the literature on organizational learning.
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Learning organization, Organizational learning culture, Job satisfaction, Dimensions of learning organization questionnaire (DOLQ), Vietnamese enterprises
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