Exploring the influence of expectations on community-based tourism choice in Vietnam’s Central Highlands
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This study investigates the impact of expectations on decision-making in community-based tourism in the Central Highlands of Vietnam. While numerous studies have explored tourism expectations, limited research has specifically addressed their influence on choosing community-based tourism in a particular region. This study aims to fill this gap in the literature by identifying the expectations that influence tourists’ choices of community-based tourism in the Central Highlands of Vietnam and determining the extent of their impact. By applying quantitative research method to analyze data collected from 528 visitors, the findings indicate that when tourists’ cultural, historical, and climatic expectations are met, their preference for community-based tourism in the Central Highlands increases significantly. This study enriches the literature by clarifying how specific expectations influence community-based tourism choices in the Central Highlands of Vietnam. Additionally, the results contribute to the development of successful policies that promote the growth of community-based tourism in this area. This paper provides new insights into how these expectations shape community-based tourism decisions, offering valuable guidance for policy development, and promoting sustainable tourism practices in the region.
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Expectation, Community-based tourism, Choice, Vietnam’s Central Highlands
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