The nexus among digital financial inclusion, monetary policy transmission, and economic development in Sub-Saharan Africa

Ntebogang Esely1, Lovemore Taonezvi1,
1 BA ISAGO University, Gaborone, Botswana

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This paper aims to examine the complex relationship between digital financial inclusion, monetary policy transmission, and economic development in 18 Sub-Saharan African countries from 2004 to 2021. The study utilizes panel data and employs a digital financial inclusion index, broad money growth, and real gross domestic product per capita as proxies for digital financial inclusion, monetary policy transmission, and economic development, respectively. The panel autoregressive distributed lag model results uncover a bi-directional causality between economic development and digital financial inclusion, emphasizing the pivotal role of digital financial inclusion in fostering economic development. Additionally, another bi-directional causality between digital financial inclusion and monetary policy transmission highlights their interdependence. Unidirectional causality from monetary policy transmission to economic development is also established. This study emphasizes the crucial role of robust measures in enhancing digital financial inclusion to avert adverse consequences, offers nuanced insights into policy dynamics, particularly regarding inflation mitigation, and enhances monetary policy effectiveness. These findings underscore the importance of policy reform, legislation, and regulatory improvements to promote digital financial inclusion by Sub-Saharan African central banks. Strengthening rural financial infrastructure is crucial for driving digital financial inclusion, sustainable economic development, and reducing regional inequalities.

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