Street food experience and destination image: a study on tourist perceptions in Da Lat
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Culinary experiences can be seen as one of the initial impressions of a destination for tourists and a significant factor in their decision-making process. It serves as an effective marketing tool for shaping the destination’s image. This study explores the causal relationships between street food experiences, particularly those related to local culinary culture, with destination image, satisfaction, and future behavior of tourists. Data were collected using a structured questionnaire from 412 domestic tourists who had experienced street food in Da Lat, a renowned destination in Vietnam. The empirical evidence affirms that when tourists have positive street food experiences, their perception of the destination image is also positive, leading to higher satisfaction, positive word-of-mouth behavior, and a higher likelihood of returning to the destination. The results also emphasize the importance of cultural consumption value in the street food experience through distinctive characteristics. Based on these findings, the study also proposes further research directions and managerial implications for local authorities and businesses aiming to highlight the cultural and emotional aspects of street food experiences, thereby enhancing the destination image in visitors’ eyes.
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Street food experience, Destination image, Local food, Tourist satisfaction, Tourist behaviors
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