The impact of manager training on employee turnover intentions: the serial mediation roles of employee satisfaction and employee’s perception of management style
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The turnover intention of employees has always been one of the most notable issues within any business environment. While several studies in recent decades have investigated the impact of training in general on employee turnover intention, limited attention has been given to management-level training. Therefore, this research aims to examine how management-level training directly impacts employee turnover intentions through the double mediation effects of employee’s perception of management style and employee satisfaction. The quantitative method was applied with a sample of 245 employees working at small- and medium-sized enterprises in Vietnam. This paper finds the crossover influence of manager training on employee turnover intention in various enterprises in a large business community, i.e., Keieijuku, where chief executive officers take a training course for Vietnamese small- and medium-sized enterprises’ managers. Additionally, employees’ perception of management style and employee satisfaction serially mediate the inverse relationship between management training and employee turnover intentions. The findings contribute to the theoretical understanding of factors influencing employee turnover intentions. Moreover, it offers valuable practical recommendations for small- and medium-sized enterprises in terms of training investment and training assessment.
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Manager training, Employee turnover intention, Employee’s perception of management style, Employee satisfaction, Small- and medium-sized enterprises
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