An empirical analysis of factors affecting the intention of using digital wallets in Vietnam
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This study investigates factors affecting consumers’ behavioral intention of using digital wallets in Vietnam. The research model consists of five independent variables: performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating conditions, and perceived risks. The exploratory factor analysis and regression analysis were employed to analyze the data collected from 280 Vietnamese individuals. This study confirms that performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, and facilitating conditions positively influence the behavioral intention of using digital wallets. Importantly, performance expectancy and effort expectancy are the most significant determinants of behavioral intention. In contrast, perceived risks are found to negatively affect the behavioral intention of using digital wallets. The results of this quantitative research have illuminated a deep understanding of the factors influencing the behavioral intentions of Vietnamese consumers. These findings underscore the imperative for service providers to prioritize the enhancement of digital wallet user-friendliness, features, and functions to elevate the overall user experience and streamline financial transactions. Additionally, addressing and fortifying the security infrastructure of digital wallets emerges as a key strategy to mitigate perceived risks, thereby fostering a more favorable environment for Vietnamese consumers to enthusiastically embrace and utilize digital wallet services.
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Behavioral intention, Digital wallet, Financial transactions
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