Indo-Chinese trade: uneven partnership

Badar Alam Iqbal1,, Dexue Liu2
1 School of Economic Sciences, North-West University, South Africa and Department of Commerce, Aligargh Muslim University ALIGARH (UP) India
2 College of Economics, Jinan University, Guangzhou, China

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India and China are two emerging economic giants on global map. Their rise is good for the globe, which has enough space to accommodate the growth aspiration of the people in both the countries. The contribution of both economies to the global trade is significant. They can play a vital role in the creation and facilitation of global trade by enhancing their respective trade as well as their trade with each other. This paper analyzes the emerging trends in Chinese trade, Indo-China trade and explores the issues which are hampering the growth and development of trade between the two emerging economies of the world as there has been enormous potential of expansion and diversification of trade. The paper further gives guide-posts for improving the trade relation between India and China.

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